Die DALASON Gmbh bietet ab sofort eine Cloud Telefonanlage exklusiv nur für Firmenkunden an. Die Telefonanlage ist einfach zu bedienen und ist sehr sicher. Für weitere Informatione[more]...
Wir haben die Destination Algerien Handy auf 19,9 Cent/Minute gesenkt. Bitte beachten Sie auch, dass wir zu allen Destinationen KEINE Verbindungsgebühr erheben.[more]...
Use DCalling from your iPhone or Android smartphone with our app FlatrateBooster:
FlatrateBooster app in the Apple App Store
FlatrateBooster app in the Android Market
For questi[more]...
Using the Android app FlatrateBooster makes international calls from your mobile very easy. FlatrateBooster is automatically activated when an international call is placed. You do [more]...
From now on you can receive calls on your free German DCalling landline phone number. The best thing about it: it works even when you are abroad.
Get your free number:Log in your [more]...
We are very happy to announce that we have reduced the charges for many European destinations to 14,9 Cent/Minute (for mobile phones): Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Norway, Por[more]...
Win 10 EUR extra credit for DCalling with a little help from your friends on July 30, 2011.
Just join our facebook page and post a comment with “@dcalling” on our wall. The 6 [more]...
We are giving away 20 EUR extra credit to 3 lucky fans of our DCalling facebook page
until May 5.
Not a fan yet? Just go to the DCalling facebook page and click "Like".
DCalling helps you to stay in touch with your friends no matter where you are. Just use the DCalling Call Forwarding, and your phone will ring if someone calls you on your German [more]...