Now you can make cheap worldwide phone calls from Singapore and Cyprus with local toll-free dial-in numbers instead of using the callback service. You can find all dial-in numbers [more]...
We are happy to announce the launch of our new DCalling app for cell phones with Symbian operating system. Our app will automatically conduct your calls via DCalling, so you can ju[more]...
Good news for people who are using DCalling for phone calls to Turkey: we have now permanently reduced the charges for calls to Turkish cell phones at almost 50% to 6,9 Cent (EUR)/[more]...
Some of our users might already have noticed it – our DCalling website has a wonderful new design!
So what's new? To give a better overview about our service, all DCalling feature[more]...
Good news for all customers, who use DCalling with a local dial-in number: from now on, no charges by DCalling for calling local dial-in numbers (dial-in numbers starting with a lo[more]...
We're very happy to announce that you can use DCalling with local and toll-free dial-in numbers in even more countries. Instead of using callback, just call our local dial-in numbe[more]...
More dial-in numbers and less fees – we're very happy to announce that the charges for DCalling dial-in numbers outside Germany have been reduced up to 50%.Feel free to have a look[more]...
Lately several mobile providers in Germany, like Eplus and O2, have blocked access to our DCalling dial-in numbers.How can I tell that my dial-in number has been blocked by my prov[more]...
Since Eplus keeps on barring our dial-in-number for their customers, we have added a new dial-in-number which can now be found in the login-area.[more]...
Since this morning German DCalling customers using Eplus as their mobile network provider cannot call our dial-in 0221-9888400 any more, since Eplus has barred calls[more]...