Now you can use foreign dial-in numbers with DCalling. We have currently the following numbers:- 0031 208908120 Amsterdam (Netherland) - 0041 435004137 Zurich (Switzerlan[more]...
DCalling now offers SIP and IAX accounts for cheap VOIP calls all around the world. For using SIP or IAX you have 2 different possibilities:1. You can use the Web-Phone i[more]...
Estamos orgullosos de presentarle la versión en Español de DCalling. Desde ahora el sistema puede ser utilizado en español.Ya podemos ofrecerle los números dial para Estados U[more]...
Unbelievable! Now you can call to German Mobile phones for unbeatable 15,99 Cent(€)/Minute to all German Mobile Provider.
Do you have a Mobile Flatrate for German Landlines[more]...
With the new service from DCalling you can now do worldwide calls from your landline and mobile.
E.g. you have a mobile flatrate for the German landline?
Then you can call ou[more]...