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1. What is DCalling?

DCalling is an independent and low price phone service for landline phones, cell phones, general VoIP solutions and more.


2. Where can I sign up?

You can sign up here for free and get 0,42 EUR trial credit.


3. Do I get a new SIM card?

No, you keep your SIM card.


4. Will DCalling refund the balance I have not used?

DCalling cannot refund the balance for technical reasons.


5. When does my account expire?

There is no expiration date for your DCalling account or balance.


6. How long is the contract duration?

There is no contract duration for using DCalling.


7. Is there a cancelation period?

There is no cancelation period. The account can be canceled anytime.


8. Is there a minimum charge?

No, there is no minimum charge.


9. Is there a minimum contract duration?

No, DCalling does not have a minimum contract duration.


10. Do I have to change or cancel my contract with my previous provider?

No, DCalling is not at all related to your previous contract. It is an additional service that enhances your current contract and enables you to make cheaper international phone calls.


11. So what is the catch?

Well, there is none that we know of :-) If you have an idea how we could improve our service, feel free to let us know!

