Smart Solutions for your company
Geschäftsführer DCalling ist für mich und meine Mitarbeiter die perfekte Lösung für preiswerte und hochwertige Telefongespräche. Gut war auch, dass man so einfach und schnell alles für unsere Firmenhandys einrichten konnte.
Bernd K., 28
Set up Your Home Phone VoIP Network/Fritz!Box with Just One Click
Are you using a VoIP service? Set up your VoIP connection device (e.g. a Fritz!Box) so that you can phone abroad and/or into mobile networks saving money with DCalling.
Set up Your Fritz!Box for DCalling Manually
* Activate "Internet calling number apply"
* Internet telephone supplier: other supplier
* Internet calling number: your DCalling SIP password*
* User name: your DCalling user name*
* Keyword: your Dcalling SIP password*
* Keyword affirmation: your DCalling SIP password*
* Register: ""
* Proxy-Server: ""
* You can always find your SIP user name and password after logging in on at Online > VoIP Accounts SIP/IAX.
For calls abroad you select “Abroad” for Area and “Internet [Your DCalling user name]” for Connect. Please save your settings afterwards.
If you want to conduct other types of conversation via DCalling as well, just click on “New Rule” again, select “Mobile” for Area and “Internet [Your DCalling user name]" for Connect.
Please note (for Fritz!Box 7270 etc.):
Make sure that the setting for DTMF transmission is “RTP/Inband”. If necessary you can also try other settings.